
Okay, for all of you that have visited our website, we now have an email address set up for this website. So, if you wish to talk to us about the website, or the book, or anything to do with this website, just give us a shout-out at our email address at [email protected] and we'd gratefully appreciate it. I hope everyone has a fun holiday this year, and will have a great resolution on new year's for the year 2009. Bye!(-Trigger)

Other... Stuff...

Okay, well, I just thought of this today, but I'm fixing to put up some of my usernames on different websites, so if you want to find me there feel free. Bethany is being very inconclusive on whether or not she wants me to put her users up here, so I'll leave that to her for later. 
-Rachel (4/6/09)

Gr. Stupid two column layout thing isn't cooperating.. anyways, here you go.

-Youtube- icefirecat (you'll be seeing this a lot)
-Quibblo- icefirecat
-LiveJournal- icefirecat icefirecat (tiring seeing this again and again, I know, I'm sorry)

Whatever Rachel, I'm here now, so deal. Here is Trigger's- or Bethany's- ways of contact...

Youtube Account- vballGH007

I have other ways, but.. I can't remember them at this current moment. These two are some of the easiest ways to access me, because I'm constantly on.

BETHANY! Okay, I don't think there's many ways to contact me... Because I'm not really 'out' there. I'm always on YouTube though, so if you have one, ADD ME!!! And if you make those crazy comedy videos and beg me to subscribe, I probably will, out of the kindness of my heart. But yeah.

Bethany's contact information- (no stalking. Lol.)
-YouTube- (yes, that is the full URL)
-Quibblo- Search the user: vball007

No, sorry, I don't have AIM, or a MySpace. And I'm not famous for my hundreds of hours wasted on playing games online. (cough cough, Rach.) Just kidding! I hope.

Although. . . I just created a Facebook a few months ago- I think it was October because I was helping my friends make their mums for homecoming and they talked me into getting one. . . So anyways, that might be another way of contacting me. I deleted my Twitter account, and another website that I had made for myself, but other than that, YouTube is probably the best bet on how to reach me.